GST on Books

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As we know Books give an abundance of joy to students, and they learn a lot of things from books. They take them into a different world of imagination and improve their standard of living. Books aid to inspire students to do hard work with courage and hope. They enrich the knowledge of students and sharpen their intellect. In this article, we will discuss GST on Books and also the significance of GST Registration.

Before explaining the GST on Books, now you require to assure some facts about the GST (Goods and Services tax).

Understand About GST

GST is an imperative Indirect Tax that has imposed on the sale, production, and consumption of goods and services over the nation. It is a separate tax proper for the number of goods from the operative to the user. GST is suitable only for purpose extension at each stage. However, GST registration is compulsory for registering the business of GST on Books.

Rate of GST on Books

Printed books, covering braille books and journals, periodicals & journals, maps, atlas, chart & globe are not taxable under GST. 

NOTE – Brochures, pamphlets, and related printed matter, whether or not in single sheets are taxable at 5% GST rate.

Additional GST Rate on Books

The ensuing are some of the goods taxable at 12% GST on Books:

  • Children’s picture, drawing, or coloring books.
  • Music, printed or in writing, whether or not bound or illustrated.
  • Plans and designs for architectural, engineering, industrial, commercial, etc.
  • Included Printed or pictured postcards, printed cards displaying personal greetings, messages, or notifications.
  • Calendars of any sort, printed, including calendar blocks.
  • Other printed matter, including lettered pictures and Trade advertising material and Commercial catalogs, etc.

SAC Code applicable for GST on Books

The following SAC (Service Accounting Code) has been established for the different Books in India.

  • SAC Code 9989 – Additional producing services covering publishing, printing, and transcription services; elements recovery services
  • SAC Code 99891 – Including Publishing, printing, and photography assistance
  • SAC Code 998911– Publishing, on a fee or obligation basis

GST on Cement

In case, you require any kind of direction related to the GST registration, GST return filing procedure, or any other GST compliance, please feel free to communicate with our business advisors at 8881-069-069.

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