Business activity allowed in Dubai South UAE Free Zone

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Dubai South, a strategic UAE free zone, offers a supportive environment for businesses to grow. This futuristic hub provides a ecosystem for various industries to flourish, with a wide range of permitted activities, including:

  1. Aerospace and aviation
  2. Logistics and supply chain management
  3. E-commerce and retail
  4. Information technology and data centers
  5. Financial services and banking
  6. Healthcare and medical services
  7. Education and training
  8. Manufacturing and industrial production
  9. Real estate development and management
  10. Business services and consulting
  11. Tourism and hospitality

Dubai South offers many benefits to businesses, including

  • 100% foreign ownership
  • 0% personal income tax
  • 0% corporate tax
  • No customs duties
  • State-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities
  • Access to a talented and skilled workforce
  • Business-friendly regulations and licensing procedures
  • Proximity to Dubai International Airport and major highways
  • Access to a large and diverse customer base

To establish a business setup in Dubai South, companies must obtain a license from the Dubai South Authority and register with the free zone. The authority provides various licensing options, including commercial licenses for businesses and freelance permits for professionals.

The key benefits of business setup in Dubai South include

  • Strategic location in Dubai
  • Access to a large and diverse customer base
  • World-class infrastructure and facilities
  • Business-friendly government policies and regulations
  • Highly developed industrial ecosystem
  • Access to a talented and skilled workforce
  • Opportunities for collaboration and innovation
  • Proximity to major logistics and transportation hubs

By setting up a business in Dubai South, companies can have these benefits to establish a strong presence in the region and contribute to the growth and development of the UAE’s economy.

Looking to expand your business to Dubai but don’t want to leave India? Look no further than E-StartUpIndia! Our expert team provides hassle-free business setup services in Dubai

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Business activity allowed in Dubai Healthcare City UAE Free Zone

Moreover, If you want any other guidance relating to business setup in Dubai, please feel free to talk to our business advisors at 8881-069-069.

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