How to Get an ISBN Number for Your Book

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The International Standard Book Number, or ISBN, is a unique numeric code assigned to identify each book, whether printed or available electronically. In this article, we will discuss how to get an ISBN Number.

What is an ISBN?

The International Standard Book Number, or ISBN, is a unique numeric code assigned to identify each book, whether printed or available electronically. Before 2007, ISBN used to be a ten-digit code; however, post-2007, ISBN must be in the form of a 13-digit machine-readable EAN barcode.

Is it Mandatory to obtain an ISBN?

While authors and publishers don’t need to obtain an ISBN, it is always recommended to get one allocated. ISBN provides a book with an international identity and helps sell it to bookstores, libraries, and distribution channels worldwide.

Products that qualify for an ISBN include:

  • Monographic books, either textual or containing instructional content
  • Publications not intended to be regularly updated
  • Individual/Personal articles
  • Educational films and videos not meant for entertainment
  • Electronic or mixed media publications
  • Publications printed on demand

Products that do not qualify for an ISBN include:

  • Journals/Periodicals/Serials
  • Record-keeping journals
  • CDs, DVDs, or other entertainment media
  • Documentaries
  • Computer applications
  • Computer gaming
  • Music compositionsMusic
  • Course books only available to a select group
  • Internet websites
  • Publications that are non-text based

What does an ISBN not indicate?

Remember, ISBN is a unique code assigned to each book to identify it quickly and easily. ISBN is helpful when a product number is required to order a book or in libraries where one needs to search from a vast collection of books. An ISBN does not provide any legal or copyright protection.

Who is eligible to apply for an ISBN?

Broadly, the following persons or entities wishing to publish a book are eligible to apply for an ISBN.

  1. A Self-publisher
  2. A Publisher
  3. An Author
  4. A University
  5. An Institution
  6. A Government Department

What are the Benefits of Applying for an ISBN?

Applying for an ISBN provides five significant benefits, all of which are as listed below:

  1. ISBN is a unique numeric code assigned to internationally identify books and publications for people to know them better.
  2. It eliminates the need to maintain long and descriptive bibliographic records, helping save time, reduce costs and manual errors.
  3. ISBN helps to facilitate comparisons between various subjects and also different publishers.
  4. It help in compiling and updating bibliographic databases and book trade directories.
  5. ISBNs enable quick and efficient ordering and distribution of books, controlling stock, managing sales data, and supply chain systems.

Do I need to obtain an ISBN in India? 

As highlighted earlier, authors and publishers don’t need to obtain an ISBN. However, it is crucial to note that an ISBN is use by publishers, libraries, booksellers, internet retailers, and customers for various purposes. Therefore, it becomes essential to obtain an ISBN if you want customers to order your book and online and offline stores to sell your book.

How to Get an ISBN in India?

To get an ISBN in India, you will need to follow the essential lists mentioned below.

  1. Get your published by a leading Indian book publisher or take up the processing yourself.
  2. Decide and finalize the size of the book and the number of pages.
  3. Finalize and keep the book cover design ready.
  4. Decide the format of your book (Paperback/Electronic/Hardcover). Remember, each of these will require you to send a separate application as they need different ISBNs.
  5. Finalize your book’s maximum retail price.
  6. You need expertise professionals to obtain the ISBN Registration in a simplistic way.

Benefits of ISBN and Why it is important for book Publisher and Author

Moreover, if you require any other guidance concerning ISBN Registration, please feel free to contact our business advisors at 8881-069-069.

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