Pitch Deck

Best and powerful ways to get funding opportunities in 2022

Best and powerful ways to get funding opportunities in 2022

Over 94% of new firms fail during the first year of operation, according to a recent survey. One of the most prevalent causes is a lack of money. A company’s lifeblood is money. However, most of the startups fail to acquire funding due to lack of awareness and right guidance. This article discusses the best … Read more

Understand the difference b/w pitch deck and business plan

Understand the difference bw pitch deck and business plan

What is the difference between a pitch deck and a business plan?” has probably crossed your mind at some point in your career as an entrepreneur, whether you’re just starting out or whether you’re a successful entrepreneur. What’s the most effective strategy for your start-up? Is it really necessary to have either one? Questions like … Read more

5 Benefits of Outsourcing to get Startup Best Pitch Deck

5 Benefits of Outsourcing to get Startup Best Pitch Deck

When startups pitch their idea to investors, they’re given an average of 3 minutes to make a compelling case to fund their project. With these rigid constraints, it’s hard to focus on the big picture, and the result is often a haphazard pitch deck that fails to get investors excited. As a result, it’s a … Read more

How to Ask Investors for Funding in India?

How to Ask Investors for Funding in India

As an aspiring entrepreneur, you might be wondering how to ask investors for funding? You are not the only person. Persuading an individual to invest in your startup involves a thorough research and developing a detailed and creative business plan or pitch.  In this article, you will learn important information about how to ask investors … Read more