TAN Registration Process in India: Advantages & Penalties

TAN Registration Process in India Advantages & Penalties

We all know how critical it is to obtain a TAN before engaging in any form of transaction or business. In order to deduct taxes at source (TDS) from certain payments, such as rent, salary, and payments to contractors and subcontractors, a TAN number is required. In this article, you will understand the online Tan … Read more

The Difference between PAN, TAN and TIN

The Difference between PAN, TAN and TIN

Every assessee files tax returns during the assessment year to fulfill statutory requirements.  The organizations pay different types of taxes such as income tax, sales, tax, and services taxes to the government according to the prescribed rate. In this article, you will understand the difference between PAN, TAN and TIN. The assesses should be familiarized … Read more