Trademark Rejected for Chutiyaram Namkeen

The Trademark Registry withdrew approval for the Namkeen Brand Chutiyaram  Trademark due to an error in granting approval. Under trademark law, offensive marks contrary to Sections 9 and 11 of…

IRS Form 1099 K

In the US, you need to report your income received from third-party payment processors to the IRS through IRS Form 1099-K. That means all the money that you make through…

All About 510(k) Medical Device, 510(k) Medical Device, What is a 510(k), FDA 510k

The medical device market is highly regulated to maintain safety for patients and the performance of devices. In the United States, the 510k Medical Device submission process is one of…

How to pay advance tax, Pay Advance Tax and Save Interest on Taxes, Advance Tax Payment: Due Dates

Advance Tax  in India is the income tax you pay in installments before the financial year ends. Furthermore, in case your total tax liability is exceeding Rs. 10,000/- in a…

Virtual Address for UK Company

Setting up a business in the UK is an exciting step for global expansion. So, if you are an international entrepreneur or a local startup in the UK, having a…

Goods and Service Tax

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