Delhi Government has now asked Private Hospitals of the nation’s capital to reserve at least 20% beds for Coronavirus patients.
Delhi Government order to Private Hospitals
The detailed news related to COVID-19 India and Governor of Delhi Mr Anil Baijal’s orders is as follows-
- All the 22 Private Hospitals in Delhi have to follow the new orders.
- As per Coronavirus latest News, COVID 19 cases in Delhi are about 34,000. Therefore Private Hospitals should increase the number of dedicated COVID-19 beds by at least 20 per cent.
- It means the number of beds will increase from 1,441 to 3,456.
- Apollo, Fortis, Max, Holy Family, Batra, Mata Chanan Devi and BLK are in the list of Hospitals which need to follow these orders strictly.
- The new allocation of beds will also be updated on the Delhi corona app.
- Moreover, there will also be at least an additional five hundred beds in government hospitals of Delhi.
Future prospect
It is an estimation that if the corona cases in India surges in this trend, Nation’s Capital Delhi will also require more than 80,000 beds in the hospitals. Moreover, there will be high demand for Ventilators and ICU beds as well. As per live updates of Coronavirus, the government of India assures they are continuously working hard to review the plans to fight COVID-19 India.
What other measures should the Delhi Government take?
The conclusion is that Corona Cases in India are rising and it is in estimation that it will hit the peak level in July 2020. Therefore the government needs to take decisions consciously by keeping in mind various factors. More such decisions should be implemented. Also, we need to support each other and the government to reduce the growth rate of Corona cases in India. It is our humble request to all of our readers to follow social distancing guidelines. That includes working from home and doing all work online.
Please stay in touch for more corona cases in India and live update of Coronavirus. At last stay home, stay safe. Stop the spread.
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