live update of coronavirus

Delhi to convert 500 Rail Coaches into Corona Isolation Wards

Delhi rail coaches hospital

Seeing the condition of coronavirus in Delhi, the Delhi government has converted 500 Rail Coaches into Corona Isolation Wards to cure the deteriorating health of the citizens. Delhi – the heart of incredible India is presently in a situation where death rates are increasing day by day. Not only Delhi but the entire planet is … Read more

Delhi Government asks Private Hospitals to Reserve Beds

Delhi Government to Reserve Beds

Delhi Government has now asked Private Hospitals of the nation’s capital to reserve at least 20% beds for Coronavirus patients.   Delhi Government order to Private Hospitals The detailed news related to COVID-19 India and Governor of Delhi Mr Anil Baijal’s orders is as follows- All the 22 Private Hospitals in Delhi have to follow … Read more

Coronavirus Latest News: States want Railway Isolation Coaches

Coronavirus Latest News States Rail Isolation Coaches

As per the Coronavirus latest news, the corona cases in India are rising day by day. The Covid-19 India count of patients is nearly about three lakhs. In this article about live updates of Coronavirus, we will be looking at the current situation of Corona Cases in India and the demands of Railway Isolation Coaches … Read more