How to Setup Digital marketing agency in India?

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Digital Marketing is one of the fastest developing sectors in India. Hence, there is an enormous possibility to setup digital marketing agency in India. To successfully setup digital marketing agency in India, you need to follow certain steps that are mentioned in this article.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is the branch of Marketing that works online.

In other words, businesses use online mediums such as search engines, emails, social media, websites, etc. to connect with their present and prospective customers.

What is a Digital Marketing Agency?

A digital marketing agency is a company that bundles together a number of marketing services that a business generally lacks in-house experience in.

Although the agency has a variety of client objectives, its ultimate objective is to assist you in increasing your product and service sales via its digital marketing plans.

The process to setup digital marketing agency is mentioned below.

The stepwise process to setup digital marketing agency

tasks_2021_2xMake a Strategy

For every business, it’s crucial to plan the strategy. To successfully setup digital marketing agency, you should think and strategize the following factors:

  • Type of Company Formation
  • Competitors in Your Area
  • Types of Services you will provide
  • Your USP(Unique Proposition
  • Funding Sources whether Business Loan or your own savings
  • Easy generation of Invoices for all your clients through InstaBill
  • Marketing Techniques

tasks_2021_2xWebsite Development

As you already know, digital marketing agencies work on the internet. Hence, most of the customers they get are also on the internet or want to be on the internet.

No digital marketing business can run without an online presence.

So, you can setup digital marketing agency through online Website Development Services and kick start your business digitally.

Benefits of Website for Business especially for digital marketing agency are several.

Furthermore, you can also collaborate with web developers and provide Website Development to your clients in a package combined with digital marketing services.

tasks_2021_2xCompany Registration

You must know the importance of company registration as it provides the legal status of your business.

There is a high chance that people, especially other businesses, will trust you and want to work with you if your agency has some sort of Company Registration.

Apart from that, it is mandatory as per the Indian Government to register your business in India with MCA. So, you can decide the types of Company Registration from the following list.

tasks_2021_2xApply for Registrations & Licenses to setup digital marketing agency

After completion of the above steps, you need to apply for some mandatory registrations and licenses.

These licenses and registrations might have complicated processes but you can easily get them online.

You must not miss these registrations and licenses as it allows you to avail several benefits and avoid penalties and punishments.

  • GST Registration

GST Registration allows your business to fulfill tax compliances online. Furthermore, GST Return filing will help you claim the input tax credit and help make the brand image of your business.

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  • EPF Registration

EPf is mandatory for employers in India. Failing to get EPF or EPF Registration can result in a huge penalty. Moreover, EPF Registration aids in attracting the right talent to setup digital marketing agencies in India. 

  • ESIC Registration

ESIC Online Registration is also mandatory for employers. Under the ESI Act, employees are entitled to a wide array of medical, financial, and other benefits as a result of company and employee contributions to the ESIC Registration.

tasks_2021_2xMarketing for your own Agency

The next and final step is to market your own agency. You can Show Ad on an online platform or use SEO to market your own digital marketing agency.

Furthermore, you can find clients on online freelancing platforms. Social Media Groups and pages are also a good idea to promote your digital marketing agency.

Tips to grow Digital Marketing Agency

  • Get the MSME Registration to avail several benefits from the government and financial institutions in India.
  • Apply for Trademark Registration and ISO Certification after getting MSME Registration to get reimbursements on the government fees.
  • Use Blogs to get quality backlinks to your digital marketing agency website.
  • Offer internships and streamline the onboarding process to hire the right employees.
  • Collaborate with others and consult with experts.

Final words

In this article, you have understood the process of setup digital marketing agency in India. If you require further assistance in any step or have queries, feel free to contact our business advisors.

How to Ask Investors for Funding in India?

Besides, you require any kind of guidance related to setup digital marketing agency in India, or company Registration. Please feel free to contact our business advisors at 8881-069-069.

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