Best States for Non-Residents to Form an USA LLC Company

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Starting an LLC Company in the USA can be excellent for non-residents. This can be a deliberate move for non-residents aiming to tap into the robust USA market. Selecting the right state for LLC registration is extremely crucial. Which state is the best? That depends on several factors, including tax regulations, privacy protections, and the state’s overall business climate.

There must be a reason you are choosing to have LLC company registration in USA. So, Let’s see which state is the best. How do we find out? Why it could be beneficial for your business.

Best States to Form LLC Company in the USA

Here are three states where you can form an LLC and run the business of your dreams:


Delaware is considered one of the best states in America for businesses. Here’s why”

Supportive Laws: Delaware’s statutes are simple and can be structured in a way that fulfills the needs of the business.

Chancery Court: This is a specialized court whose main purpose dealing with disputes regarding business law.

Discretion: Delaware law does not require the disks of the member-limited company to show the members’ names to the Public.

Benefits for Non-Residents

No Sales Tax: There is no sales tax on goods and services in Delaware. This helps in your cost savings. 

Low Annual Fees: The state also has low franchise taxes and annual report fees. This makes the upkeep of an LLC cost-effective. 

Learn More: Company Registration in Delaware


Wyoming is another popular state for LLC company registration in the USA. This is mainly because of the setup costs and the privacy protection measures:

Low Costs: Wyoming is known for a very low filing fee and very few ongoing yearly costs, making it one of the cheapest states in the USA.

Privacy Protections: The State of Wyoming, in a similar fashion as Delaware, does not require that the names of the members of the LLC be publicly available.

Benefits for Non-Residents

Asset Protection: Wyoming has strong asset protection laws that make it challenging for creditors to seize the LLC assets. This gives the businesses a notable advantage.

No State Income: You get to enjoy the benefit of the state having no income on your LLC earnings.

For these reasons, Wyoming should be on the top 3 of your list of places to set up your LLC in USA.


Nevada provides a favorable environment for LLC business:

Business-Friendly Regulations: Minimal bureaucratic red tape and accommodating laws.

Privacy: No requirement to disclose member names in public filings.

Benefits for Non-Residents:

No State Income Tax: Nevada’s lack of state income tax is a major draw.

Minimal Reporting Requirements: Simplified compliance with fewer ongoing reporting obligations.

While all three states offer significant benefits, you should evaluate your business needs before choosing one. 

Learn More:

Factors to Consider While Forming an LLC Company 

So, which state will you choose? You cannot select one on a whim. Here are a few checkpoints to keep in mind:

  1. State Selection: Choose a state based on tax regulations, filing fees, and business-friendly policies. (e.g; Delaware, Wyoming, Nevada)
  2. Registered Agent: Appoint a registered agent with a physical address in the state of incorporation to handle all the legal documents.
  3. Operation Agreement: Draft an agreement outlining ownership and management responsibilities.
  4. Tax Consideration: Understand federal and local state tax obligations, including self-employment taxes and possible state income tax.
  5. Privacy Policy: Determine the level of privacy protection each state offers. 
  6. Licenses and Permits: Check which necessary permits you need to operate legally.
  7. Legal Environment: Consider how each state’s legal framework fits with your business goals.

Learn more: How to apply EIN for LLC USA Company


Selecting the right state for your non-resident USA LLC company is vital for optimizing tax benefits, privacy, and business success. For expert legal advice on company registration, reach out to E-StartUp India to get started today!

Best way to setup an LLC

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Moreover, If you want any other guidance relating to opening in USA Company Registration or filing taxes, please feel free to talk to our business advisors at 8881-069-069.

Business registration for USA


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