Difference between ISO 14001 certification and ISO 45001 certification

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An organization should focus upon two main areas apart from the achievement of economic goals namely environmental regulations and Health and Safety issues. Furthermore, An organization should not undertake any activities causing environmental hazards or threats to society. So, ISO 14001 is a regulatory framework for organizations to prevent environmental problems. In this article, we will understand the Difference between ISO 14001 Certification and ISO 45001 Certification.

The ISO 45001 defines the safety measures to be undertaken by the organizations to protect the health of the workers and prevent accidents in the workplace. So, the organizations should produce both ISO 14001 certificate and ISO 45001 certificate to prove they are ethical towards society and workers.

What is ISO 14001 Certification?

The ISO 14001 is a management regulatory framework specifying the requirements for fulfilling EMS. It is a certificate produced by the organizations to reveal an effective environmental management system. Your organization can obtain ISO 14001 certification if it undergoes examinations such as Initial Environmental Reviews and Gap Analysis.

You should understand the ISO 14001 regulations and also provide effective training to the employees of the organization. Analyzing the present environmental practices, you should redesign the process of your organization. Hence, it benefits your business, employees, and customers too.

What is ISO 45001 Certification?

The ISO 45001 is a code that specifies guidelines and regulations to the organizations to implement better OHS (Occupational Health and Management System) to prevent risks and threats in the workplace ensuring safety to the workers.

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The organizations should learn and implement the best practices and also provide training to the employees to prevent injuries and indiscriminate practices leading to hazards.

The external auditors should perform Gap Analysis, while the internal auditors should conduct Registration Audit so the organizations can achieve ISO 45001 Certification.

Know the Difference between ISO 14001 Certification and ISO 45001 Certification

ISO 14001 certification ISO 45001 certification
It is a document produced by the organizations to prove they are adhering to environmental regulations, establishing objectives and policies to protect the environment. They undertake measures to prevent problems such as global warming, promoting greenery, or any practices that lead to environmental threats. It is a management system for the organizations to follow rational and safe practices to prevent any workplace injuries in everyday life. It includes the day-to-day activities to be implemented to enhance the physical and mental protection of the workers to prevent any occupational hazards.
The company achieves ISO 14001 certification abiding by EMS or Environmental Management System. The organizations can obtain ISO 45001 certification following the OH and S management system.
The ISO 14001 is about establishing regulations for preventing environmental hazards and risks. The organizations should undertake regulatory measures to achieve the certification Under ISO 45001, organizations should make provisions to enhance the working conditions of the workplace. They should consider different factors that cause lack of motivation to the employees such as workload, conflicts, lack of proper infrastructure such as electric wiring issues, faulty equipment, etc.
The organizations study the environmental impact of the activities undertaken by them to inspect if their activities are causing problems such as pollution, or causing ecological problems to the society by throwing waste or not being able to converse energy in the process of production. The organizations review the work environment to find if workplace injuries or hazards can be caused due to improper infrastructure of the organization. They also review the overall mental conditions of the employees to ensure they are not the victims of bullying,


Although both the ISO Certifications aim to prevent any hazards or risks, they are implemented for different reasons.

ISO Certification Advantages and Disadvantages

Moreover, If you want any other guidance relating to the ISO CertificationPlease feel free to talk to our business advisors at 8881-069-069.

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