ISO Registration on food safety management

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No matter how big or small a food producer is or what they make, it is their duty to ensure that their products are safe and that consumers are protected. This is where ISO 22000 Certification comes into play. Let’s learn about ISO Registration in Food Safety Management through this article.

Importance of ISO 22000 Certification for Food Safety Management

Unsafe food can have severe consequences.

ISO’s food safety management standards assist organizations in recognizing and managing food safety risks while collaborating with other ISO management standards like ISO 9001.

ISO 22000 is relevant to all kinds of producers and adds an extra level of confidence to the global food supply chain.

It helps food products cross borders and ensures that people receive trustworthy food they can rely on.

Why should businesses consider implementing ISO 22000?

ISO 22000 is a valuable resource for businesses operating in the food industry. It ensures that the food they produce or handle is safe for consumption.

By following the guidelines provided in ISO 22000:2018, businesses can establish a robust food safety management system (FSMS).

The updated standard offers several benefits to businesses.

  • Firstly, it facilitates the integration of ISO 22000 with other management systems, making it easier to align food safety practices with overall business operations.
  • Secondly, it introduces the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and risk-based thinking, enabling businesses to proactively manage risks and reduce potential hazards.
  • Finally, by combining PDCA and risk-based thinking with the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) approach, ISO 22000 assists businesses in minimizing risks and enhancing overall food safety.

By implementing ISO 22000, businesses can effectively mitigate risks, safeguard their operations, and improve the safety of the food they offer.


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Stepwise Process to Get ISO 22000 Certification

  1. Familiarize yourself: Learn about ISO 22000 and its requirements. Understand how it applies to your organization and the benefits it offers.
  2. Gap analysis: Assess your current food safety management system against ISO 22000. Identify areas that need improvement and develop an action plan.
  3. Establish a team: Form a dedicated team responsible for implementing ISO 22000. Assign roles and responsibilities to ensure effective coordination.
  4. Documentation: Create necessary documents, including policies, procedures, and work instructions, aligned with ISO 22000 standards.
  5. Training: Provide relevant training to employees on food safety practices, ISO 22000 requirements, and their roles in maintaining compliance.
  6. Implementation: Put your documented procedures into practice. Ensure that food safety measures are consistently followed throughout your organization.
  7. Internal audit: Conduct regular internal audits to assess the effectiveness of your food safety management system and identify areas for improvement.
  8. Corrective actions: Address any non-conformities or deficiencies found during internal audits promptly. Take corrective actions to rectify them.
  9. Certification body selection: Choose an accredited certification body to conduct an external audit and provide ISO 22000 certification.
  10. External audit and certification: Engage the chosen certification body to perform an external audit. If your organization meets the requirements, you will receive ISO 22000 certification.

Difference between FSSC 22000 and ISO 22000 Certification

Moreover, If you want any other guidance relating to ISO Registration on food safety management, Please feel free to talk to our business advisors at 8881-069-069.

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