trademark registration online

Trademark Registration for Domain name

Trademark Registration for Domain name

Internet Domain Names (IDNs) now serve a far broader purpose than simply identifying the online presence of various businesses. These domain names have now achieved the position of becoming corporate identifiers and promoters in this age of well-developed data technology and global corporations via the Internet. In this article, you will understand trademark registration for … Read more

Difference Between Trademark and Geographical Indication

Difference Between Trademark and Geographical Indication

Trademark is a brand name specifying the unique characteristics of a product of any organization. Geographical Indicator is a term used to indicate the geographical uniqueness of a product.  Names such as Ford and Puma are trademarks, whereas Assam Tea and Coorg coffee are geographical indicators.  The procedure of trademark registration and GI registration is … Read more

Difference between Trademark and Design Registration

Difference between Trademark and Design Registration

There is a similarity between the Trademark and Design Registration. However, there is also a significant difference between Trademark and Design Registration. For any business, both trademark registration and design registration become the face of the business. Furthermore, missing any of these two can result in serious damage to the business. In this article, you … Read more

Trademark registration for E-commerce companies

Trademark registration for E-commerce companies

The process of buying and selling goods online is called e-commerce. However, trademark registration for e-commerce companies is not compulsory. But an e-commerce dealer should apply for registration to attain intellectual rights to gain a competitive edge. People prefer to buy your products online if you have registered your trademark. You should apply for Class … Read more

How to Get Trademark Registration without a company in India

How to get trademark registration without a company in india

Whether you are a registered business or a small business working solo, trademark registration is important for everyone. Trademark Registration can play a significant role in the success of your business. However, it is a common question: do I need a Private limited company registration or MSME Registration to get Trademark Registration? Thus, in this … Read more

Logo Designing for Trademark Registration

Logo Designing for Trademark Registration

Logo designing is symbols that combine images and text that help to understand the product. The logo describes the brand and helps consumers understand a product type or product and understand what it is and its principles. There is a lot of commitment to the logo. It describes the diversity of the company and represents … Read more

Difference between Trademark and Service Mark

Difference between trademark and service mark

Trademarks are a valuable and most popular asset as well as registration in India. However, there is also a lot of confusion relating to Trademarks. To address the most frequently asked questions regarding Trademark Registration, keep reading this article. In this article, we will discuss the difference between trademark and service mark. We will also … Read more

Difference between Trademark Registration vs Company Registration

Difference between Trademark Registration vs Company Registration

Some basic elements in business haunt the entrepreneurs and one such is Trademark Registration Vs Company Registration. In general, Trademark is a subset of the Company act, and it is applicable for the one who needs to protect its company’s brand, logo image, symbols, and others. Whereas, in Company Registration, the one must run the … Read more

Advantages of International Trademark Registration

Advantages of International Trademark Registration

Trademark Registration offers several advantages. However, Trademark Registration has a few limitations. One such limit is related to boundaries. This means for each country where you want to do business or expand your brand, you will have to apply for a separate trademark application online. This can be tedious as well as a costly task. … Read more

How to change owner name in Trademark Registration

How to change owner name in Trademark Registration

A trademark is intellectual property just like a real-estate property. Therefore, Trademarks transfers are similar to cases where a landowner has the right to sell or transfer his or her property to someone else. Thus, it becomes essential to duly change the owner’s name in Trademark Registration online. In this article, we will discuss Change … Read more