Pitch decks: 11 Elements to Include in a Pitch Deck

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A Pitch Deck is an important tool for your business to get funding. However, the sole purpose of the pitch deck is not to raise funds. It also aims to spike interest and attract investors for meetings and guidance. However, creating a pitch deck that has a blend of creativity and well-prepared data is not an easy task.

Providing authentic data and that through visuals in the perfect position or on the right slide requires expertise. Spending too much time and effort without having the right tools to create a pitch deck can hurt your business. It can also lead to a failure to get any funding.

Therefore, you must know about the Pitch Decks’ 11 elements that are crucial and must be present in your pitch deck. This article is your guide to pitch decks: 11 Elements to Include in a Pitch Deck.

What is a Pitch Deck?

A Pitch Deck is a presentation that is used to give an overview of your business to potential investors.

Entrepreneurs that are aware of the importance of financing always keep a pitch deck handy. A well-designed pitch deck also communicates for itself without the need for entrepreneurs to be present in-person.

Importance of Pitch Deck

tasks_2021_2xIt creates the first and last impression.

Most investors look at a pitch deck only once. Hence, it is only a one-time opportunity to attract them and then seek an investment.

tasks_2021_2xIt builds credibility.

A well-made pitch deck that highlights everything important shows that you are concerned about your business. It shows that you are aware of the market and want to create an impactful business. Thus, it boosts your credibility and investors will want to invest in your idea because of the trust factor.

tasks_2021_2xIt helps you understand your future goals and make a plan. 

A Pitch Deck is helpful for both investors and entrepreneurs to understand the business in detail. A roadmap slide in your pitch deck will help you define short-term and long-term goals. Other elements such as marketing will assist you in better decision-making. There are several elements in a pitch deck, each playing a significant role.

A List of Elements to include in a Pitch Deck

1. Problem/Solution

This slide explains how huge the market problem is and how you are providing an effective and effective solution. It is basically stating that there is a great demand and you are supplying a quality good or service.

2. The product’s USP

The products’ USP slide shows that your business is unique and not imitating other businesses. Here, you can use storytelling in a pitch deck to showcase what makes you unique and why your customers choose your products or services instead of your competitors.

3. Company Vision

The Company Vision slide should be a brief explanation of why your business exists and what the aim of it is. Besides, it should summarise the challenge and the solution you are offering through your business.

4. Competitors/Competitive Edge

When pitching investors for funding, awareness of competitors and the competitive edge that you have are amongst the most important key concepts in a pitch deck. Most investors don’t want to invest in highly competitive marketplaces. Hence, you need to show them the competitive edge of your business and why your offerings are better than theirs.

5. Market Validation/Target Audience

The Market Validation/Target Audience slide is used to describe the surveys or trials that you have conducted through selling your goods or services. It should explain to the investors that your target audience is a huge number and that you focused on targeting a certain audience to scale up the business. You can also include a marketing strategy slide here to convey your strengths to retain the customers.

6. Revenue Model

A revenue model slide is a brief description of your business plan or how your business operates and earns money. However, there is a difference b/w pitch deck and a business plan. The revenue model slide should aim at showing the different and continuous streams of income for your business.

7. Traction

After using all the slides above, you have shown investors that the problem is huge. Now, you have to show them by numbers that the solution you are providing is also a significant one. Growing sales or pre-book orders as visuals or infographics are used in traction slides act as evidence that your business will be successful.

8. Core Team

Investors want to know about the co-founders and relationships that they have. Apart from the business, this plays a crucial role in deciding whether to invest in your business or not. Therefore, you must mention experience, chemistry, and why you are the best to run this business in the core team slide.

9. 18 M’s Roadmap

If an investor has come this far, the chances are he or she is interested in your business. Now, they want to know what your future goals and strategies will be. Moreover, the 18M’s roadmap slide shows the investors the past achievements in your journey and how soon you achieved them. Thus, this slide wraps up the details about the business and shows the latest update about your business.

10. Investment and Funding Requirements

In the concluding slides, you need to mention your funding requirements and the amount of stake that you are offering in your company. If you are asking for a debt investment then you should also mention your funding requirements in a summarised manner. Apart from this, the pitch deck can be used for several other Best and powerful ways to get funding opportunities in 2022.

11. Contact Us

The last slide on your pitch deck should provide contact details, including your business address, email, contact number etc. This may seem like the ordinary last slide, but it’s last and not the least as it will convince your investor to open his or her pocket. This slide should be compelling and include a clear call to action.

A List of Elements to include in a Pitch Deck


Pitch decks are an important tool to get an investment. These 11 elements to include in a pitch deck are the most crucial ones and need to be designed with the right amount of creativity and information.

Hence, expert guidance and professional experience are immeasurable benefits for your business. The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Pitch Deck are tremendous and can provide you with returns that will make you and your business profitable in the long run.

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