boycott china

India ban on Chinese companies from highway projects

India ban chinese companies

In the series of diplomatic actions against China, now India will ban Chinese companies from taking part in the highway projects in India. Let us understand this update in detail.   Reason for India ban on Chinese companies in highway projects After the clash in the Galwan valley, the relationship between India and China has … Read more

6 Best Indian Apps that can Replace Chinese Apps

In major diplomatic strife with China, the government has recently banned 59 Chinese Apps. This is a chance to encourage the Indian Apps that can totally replace their Chinese contenders. As we are all aware of the recent clash between Indian and Chinese along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), in which 20 valiant Indian … Read more

Government to Rise Import Duty on Solar Modules

rise Import Duty on solar modules

India’s government has now decided to rise Import Duty on Solar Modules. The government will impose 15-25% duty on solar gear imports from China. Importantly, this is to increase the nation’s independence of renewable energy sources and make it totally Atmanirbhar Bharat. How much rise in Import Duty on solar modules? As per the statement … Read more

India to Boycott Chinese Smartphones and Smartphone Components

Boycott Chinese Smartphones and Smartphone Components

The whole nation is determined to boycott Chinese smartphones and smartphone components. As we all aware of the recent clash between India and China on the Sino-Indian border, along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). India lost 20 soldiers, so there is widespread call all over the nation to boycott china and its products. Govt … Read more