patent registration

Patent for Pharmaceutical products

Patent for Pharmaceutical products

The Indian pharmaceutical business is one of the fastest-growing in the world, driven by a wealth of expertise and innovation. There are a number of huge, private corporations that control the Indian pharmaceutical sector. This raises the question of how these major pharmaceutical companies manage to market their most lucrative products. Is there a patent … Read more

How to Patent Jewellery design in India?

How to Patent Jewellery design in India

Jewellery designers are entitled to copyrights according to Intellectual property laws. According to Sec (5) of Designs act 2000, any person who has a new or original design can claim to be a proprietor and apply for patent registration in India. Patent Registration can offer you several benefits. Thus, it becomes important to know the … Read more

Difference between Patent and Trademark Registration

Difference between patent and trademark registration

Patents and trademarks are a type of intellectual property rights that give the creator or a business a decent amount of time to utilize his or her products and services exclusively. Entrepreneurs looking to register intellectual property must understand the distinctions between the two types of registrations and secure the appropriate registrations to protect their … Read more

Difference between Patent and Copyright

Difference between patent and copyright

Every entrepreneur expects that after successfully establishing and maintaining a business, their firm would grow without difficulty. It’s nearly impossible to have no difficulties, but decreasing them is very much achievable. You may come across several ways to minimize various challenges that you may encounter when running your own business. One such solution to protect … Read more

Everything Know about Apple Watch Series 6 with new patent

apple watch

Apple watches series 6 has launched new Apple Watch Series 6 with new patent the Fall Detection feature as many leaks and stories have given us an idea to expect from the upcoming iPhone 12 models, one of the patents discovered by Patently Apple website ultimately indicates a feature that may arrive in Apple Watch … Read more