
13 Mar 2020Posted By: Mudit Handa

How to use ISO 9001 efficiently in a business?

Each businessperson or merchant intends to extend his business with a gradual pace and by growing the trust among the clientele. The desired business growth is possible only with strong goodwill among the customers, which is only built through a desired Quality Management System (QMS).

International Organization for Standardization or the ISO, a global autonomous body with 162 member nations as its individuals have developed the global benchmark called the ISO 9001 Certification, which gives guidelines on the Quality Management System (QMS) of an association. It is a bland standard which can be connected to any sort of association, whether it's small or large scale. ISO 9001 Certification is an obligatory requirement if you wish to apply for a government tender.


1. What is all about ISO 9001 certification?

ISO 9001 is the most broadly perceived and known quality management system (QMS) in the world. It fundamentally has a place with the ISO 9000 family which manages different viewpoints and edges of quality management. ISO 9001 broadly lays out a yardstick which assists an organization to fulfil all the prerequisites and desires for its customers. Accordingly, ISO 9001 Certification helps in upgrading the customer fulfilment and in this way expanding the business with ceaseless improvement in the execution. ISO 9001 gives fundamental highlights for Quality Management for a wide range of associations and organizations independent of their sizes, working exercises and the items. The certification is material to every one of the parts of exercises whether it is an open organization or a business venture.

2. What is the procedure to get ISO 9001 Certification?

Given below is the complete process of getting ISO 9001 Certification in a very easy way-

  • #Stage 1

This stage decides whether obligatory prerequisites of the ISO standards are being duly met and if the management system is equipped for continuing to stage 2.

  • #Stage 2

This second phase decides the effectiveness of the system and looks to affirm that the management system is executed and operational.

  • #Stage 3

Now a survey is needed to be conducted. Remedial steps have to be made to address discoveries raised at stage1 and 2 might be prescribed.

  • #Stage 4

Organization records are explored by the autonomous and unprejudiced board and the ISO 9001 Certification decision is made.

  • #Stage 5

Finally, the ISO 9001 Certification is successfully communicated to the customer and ISO Certificate is issued.

3. What are the advantages of ISO 9001 Certification in an organization?

ISO 9001 certification concerns the method for business undertaking proceeds about the work regarding quality management highlights. ISO 9001 Certification gets your standard of business higher and perceives your Quality management system universally. It opens the entryway to better business openings. Organizations and Organizations have been utilizing the ISO 9001 standard and increasing noteworthy advantages for quite a long time. ISO 9001 Certification can be valuable for a business element in following ways:

  • Enhancing the reliability factor

As the central element of ISO 9001 is quality management and are generally perceive standard all around the world, it is a typical premise to know the quality management system of a business. ISO 9001 is the standard prerequisite for the organizations searching for a provider. Along these lines, ISO 9001 certification improves the believability and picture of your business in an association.

  •  Better customer fulfilment

Customer fulfillment is one of the essential highlights of the ISO 9001 ensured quality management system. It is a fundamental principle under the ISO 9001 standard to upgrade the customer fulfillment by enhancing the ways and focusing on customer needs and desires. A glad and fulfilled customer is the fundamental want of relatively every business undertaking which is a roundabout way initiates more customers.

  • Ceaseless improvement of business

Since the ISO 9001 requests the ceaseless improvement of an association, it is likewise an approach to reliably enhance the execution of your business. The certification gets you higher business openings which in the long run outcomes in the persistent business improvement, enhancing quite a long time.

  • Better Process Integration

Process reconciliation is on the primary exercises in an entire plan of action. The process approach of ISO 9001 is exceedingly productive as far as improvement in cost investment funds. Fue efficiencies and blunders can be wiped out to drive superior process coordination in a business. The standard subsequently helps in better Process Integration for any association.

  • Better Marketing openings

Indeed, the market is a major term to depict all in all. In any case, certainly, it keeps running on the believability and notoriety of an association or a business substance. ISO 9001 comes full circle a superior arrangement of promoting openings. It enhances the quality of item and administration of the business. This catalyzes the development of decent business notoriety in the market, brings more openings.

4. How are ISO audits performed in your business?

On the basis of the scope and objective, a Quality Management System audit can be carried out in 2 different methods-

  • Internal audit: This is a type of audit that is conducted within the team of an organization. It is done by the top-level management of the organization itself. Know more about 

  • External audit: This is a type of QMS audit which is conducted by an external team of auditors called ISO Lead Auditors. These Lead Auditors are highly experienced Quality Management auditors that assess each & every aspect of QMS.

Among these 2 types of Audits, the more effectual is the external audit. It is considered a more practical and reliable method of ISO audit and is generally preferred by many eminent organizations.

We will be discussing the External audit in full length.

5. How is External audit done in an organization?

The External audit done in an organization in 2 different stages:- Stage 1 and Stage 2.

#Stage 1:

The main objective of a Stage 1 Audit is to assess basic quality efficiency of the organization and to decide it's the eligibility for their Stage 2 ISO Certification Audit.

  • During the Stage 1, ISO lead auditor will survey the management framework reported data, assess the site-related conditions, and have direct conversations with the workforce.

  • The auditor will see to that targets and key implementation markers, or huge perspectives are set up and comprehended.

  • They will survey the extent of the management framework and acquire data on:

  1. The procedures and tasks,
  2. the mechanisms in place,
  3. the degrees of control that have been built up.
  • Inward audits and management surveys will be assessed to guarantee they are being arranged and performed and the general degree of execution of your management framework will be evaluated to decide whether your association is prepared to be moved ahead to the Stage 2 ISO Certification Audit.

  • In case the organization doesn’t pass this stage, the lead auditor will issue a Non-Conformity (NC) certificate. The organization will be required to make corrective changes in QMS as to pass on to Stage 2 audit.


#Stage 2:

The key objective of the Stage 2 ISO Audit is to assess the execution and adequacy of your association's Quality management system(s).

  • During the Stage 2 audit, lead auditor will decide the level of compliance with the standard's necessities and report any non-conformances or potential non-conformances that your association should address before the certification can be given.

  • Once the Stage 2 ISO audit is successful, your association's management system(s) will be duly certified by the accreditation body.

6. Whether there’s a Checklist for ISO external audit?

Yes, Audit Checklist is essential for an ISO external audit. Given below are the key requirements you must be prepared with for an ISO audit:

  1. Audit plan: The Audit plan should be prepared to decide how, when and where to conduct the ISO audit.

  2. ISO Audit Checklist: The Audit checklist must be strictly arranged as per the guidelines of the ISO 9001:2015 certification.

  3. Audit schedule: This is very essential so as to conduct the ISO audit in a well-planned manner.

These are the requirements for a successful ISO audit of an organization. 

So, these are the complete guidelines on how to successfully implement the ISO certification in India for quality management.


ISO 9001 Certification is a lucrative device to draw out a powerful business with a prime focus on quality management. It is normally required, as a large portion of the organizations and business endeavours request it. ISO 9001 does not just keep customers upbeat and everlasting for the business according to the principles of the standard yet, in addition, it mulitplies the client base of the business. ISO 9001 Certification is a general standard for the development and enhancement of a business.


If you need any further guidance as regards thISO certification, please feel free to contact our business advisors at 8881-069-069.

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