
20 Sep 2018Posted By: Mudit Handa

What are the Key changes in ISO 50001 latest version?

With the aim to instil and foster the consciousness towards sustainable development among the worldwide business community, the International Organization for Standardization had brought into effect the ISO certification 50001. Introduced on 15th June 2011, the ISO 50001 advocates a formalized ISO certification process for excellence in systematic energy management and promoting energy efficiency among all organisations.

In a bid to widen the scope of the management system standard and to integrate it with other ISO standards on a broad extent, ISO recently introduced its 2nd edition- the all-new ISO 50001:2018.


#1. What is the significance of ISO 50001?

The ISO 50001 is a yardstick that supports the organizations with a structuralized agenda for integration and implementation of different energy efficiency measures throughout the management practices of an organization.

  • The ISO certification 50001 acts as a single synchronized standard for energy efficiency among global business concerns.
  • Through a consolidated methodology for implementation of energy efficiency practices, all institutions can work en masse towards the global drive of energy conservation.


#2. How is ISO 50001:2018 different from ISO 50001:2011?

What distinguishes the recent version of ISO 50001 certification from its 2011 edition is the adoption of the central aspect of the High-Level Structure (HLS). This aspect is common to almost all ISO standards, including ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and ISO 45001.


Since ISO 50001:2018 will function according to an HLS, it will follow the same pattern as other widely acclaimed ISO standards, like the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. This will ensure integration with those prominent management system standards.


#3. What reforms have been made to ISO 50001 as regards energy efficiency?

With regard to energy management, the following changes have been introduced in the ISO 50001:2018:

  • The wider context of the organization:

The new edition compels the organizations to ascertain external and internal factors that affect their ability to attain the desired outcomes of the energy management system (EnMS) and enhancing energy management. This can also be called a “high-level analysis” of factors affecting an organization’s EnMS.

  • Top-management commitment:

The new standard lays further emphasis on the involvement of Top-level management in the enhancement of the EnMS.

  • Focus on energy proficiency:

Much ahead of the fundamental aspect of energy efficiency, the ISO 50001:2018 also emphasizes on boosting the proficiency of the organization.  

The new benchmark now requires an organization to assess the competence of individuals vis-a-vis their work that affects the EnMS. Accordingly, the effectiveness of measures implemented is to be evaluated.


#4. What does ISO 50001:2018 tell about Management of opportunities & threats?

The new version of the EnMS standard stresses to determine the risks (threats) and opportunities that may impact the EnMS and to take the required action.

  • On tracing the risks and opportunities an organization can foresee the prospective consequences so that adverse effects can be done away with before they arrive.
  • Likewise, favourable conditions that could result in potential benefits, can also be identified.
  • This technique is actually the part of SWOT analysis, and in ISO 50001:2018, it is referred to as “Energy review”.


#5. What is the time granted for the transition to ISO 50001:2018?


The deadline for transition from ISO 50001:2011 to ISO 50001:2018 as confirmed by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) is 3 years from the launching of the new version.


So, now it’s time to begin the preparations for the transition right now, as to ensure a smooth ISO certification process.

Using energy efficiently will gradually help the organization save the funds, besides helping in the conservation of its energy resources and dealing with climate change. ISO 50001:2018 provides support to the organization in all the sectors. This helps in consuming energy more efficiently by way of the development of a desirable energy management system i.e. EnMS.

If you any sort of assistance related to the ISO certification process, please feel free to contact our business advisor at 8881-069-069.


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Posted By hanish
Posted Date 2018-09-21 09:22:13

rates of iso 50001 -2016

Posted By Mudit Handa
Posted Date 2018-09-27 15:20:48

Sir, There is no such edition as ISO 50001 -2016. ISO 50001 has only 2 editions so far- ISO 50001:2011 & ISO 50001:2018. For the cost of ISO 50001, we have shared your contact with our business advisor. Thank you

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